CSS GUIDE - Quick Reference

How to use css styles: type the style command you want such as [blue] blue, and then when you want to return to normal text or another style, type in the new command [t] like this.

[t] basic body text. You will use this most of the time.
[i] Italic
[b] Bold
[bi] This text is bold and italic for emphasis!
[u] Underlined

You also have some basic color choices:
[navy] navy
[navyb] navy & bold
[navybi] navy & bold & italic

[blue] blue
[blueb] blue & bold
[bluebi] blue & bold & italic

[red] red
[redb] red & bold
[redbi] red & bold & italic

[dkgray] dark gray
[dkgrayb] dark gray & bold
[dkgraybi] dark gray & bold & italic

[ltgray] light gray
[ltgrayb] light gray & bold
[ltgraybi] light gray & bold & italic

[h1] Header 1 text
[h2] Header 2 text
[h2i] Header 2 italic text