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How It Works - DLC Association

What's the status of your web site now? Are its pages up-to-date? Are other parts "abandoned" from disuse? What if you needed to make a change right now?

Imagine logging into a "back office" web site (shown here) and making the changes right now. DLC Association lets you retrieve the contents of web pages on the screen and edit them like a web form or a word processor. The moment you click "save" on a database record, your public web site is updated. The example on the right shows how a meeting date is added to the calendar.

In the same way, you can maintain officer contact information and community events, upload newsletters into the archive, and add accounts for new members.

Your public web site (the second screen image) looks like this. The web pages, calendars, archived documents, etc. all reflect your latest changes. All information shown within these web pages is under your control.

Once you start using our back office software, you'll get hooked. You'll enjoy updating your site, and you'll do it often as needed. Your site will have fresh material all the time... people will use it more often... and you'll communicate more effectively with your members.

In these times of cost-cutting and competitive markets, you need the best tools to help your members thrive. If your members are professional individuals, you need to help them get certifications, get good jobs, keep good jobs, and continue their professional development. If your members are businesses, you need to help them find new opportunities and synergies in the marketplace. DLC Association can help in both of these endeavors.

Let's take a look at the specific features.


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