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Success Stories about DLC Association

A professional association needed to infuse life back into their web site. Some web pages were outdated, and they had a large membership to support (400+ project managers).

Today, they have deployed DLC Association and their officers directly control all of their web content. They can update web pages and online databases anytime... from computers at work or at home.
A non-profit organization was using an online shopping cart system to update their catalog of products. However, they had difficultly revising the other information at their web site -- such as text (on web pages) and meta tags (hidden in HTML).

Today, they have switched their hosting to DLC, and they have picked web features a la carte. They can easily revise product descriptions, prices, web pages, and even meta tags whenever they want.

Letters of Reference

"Daniel Lampert of DLC Corporation...did an excellent job, working effectively with chapter officers in designing and implementing the very attractive and usable site...I heartily recommend his work."

Jim Huntington, President
PMI Central Florida Chapter
July 11, 2002

Summary. Start working more productively... order DLC Association today! It can reinvigorate your organization, attract more members to your web site, and even stimulate new membership.

Now, let's wrap things up. It's time for our product's pricing.


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